Global Change and Thermal Biology
We are interested in how phytoplankton and other organisms respond to changing temperatures, including global warming, and how temperature interacts with other environmental factors in affecting organism's fitness. We use physiological and eco-evolutionary experiments, large data set analyses, mathematical models, and field observations to understand short- and long-term effects of temperature. Here are some key publications (you can start exploring with the ones in bold).
E Litchman, MK Thomas 2023
DR O'Donnell, SM Beery, E Litchman 2021
Limnology and Oceanography 66 (12), 4334-4346
Nitrogen limitation inhibits marine diatom adaptation to high temperatures
M Aranguren‐Gassis, CT Kremer, CA Klausmeier, E Litchman. 2019
Ecology letters 22 (11), 1860-1869
Experimental evolution of phytoplankton fatty acid thermal reaction norms
DR O'Donnell, Z Du, E Litchman. 2019
Evolutionary Applications.
Temperature effects on growth rates and fatty acid content in freshwater algae and cyanobacteria
JO Nalley, DR O'Donnell, E Litchman. 2018
Algal research 35, 500-507
Rapid thermal adaptation in a marine diatom reveals constraints and trade‐offs
DR O'Donnell, CR Hamman, EC Johnson, CT Kremer, CA Klausmeier, E Litchman. 2018
Global change biology 24 (10), 4554-4565
Temperature–nutrient interactions exacerbate sensitivity to warming in phytoplankton
MK Thomas, M Aranguren‐Gassis, CT Kremer, MR Gould, K Anderson, CA Klausmeier, E Litchman. 2017
Global Change Biology 23 (8), 3269-3280
CT Kremer, MK Thomas, E Litchman. 2017
Limnology and oceanography 62 (4), 1658-1670
KF Edwards, MK Thomas, CA Klausmeier, E Litchman. 2016
Limnology and Oceanography 61, 1232–1244
MK Thomas, Kremer, C.T., E. Litchman. 2016
Global Ecology and Biogeography
Effects of temperature and nitrogen availability on the growth of invasive and native cyanobacteria
MK Thomas, E Litchman. 2015
PW Boyd, TA Rynearson, EA Armstrong, F Fu, K Hayashi, Z Hu, et al. 2013
PloS one 8 (5), e63091
A global pattern of thermal adaptation in marine phytoplankton
MK Thomas, CT Kremer, CA Klausmeier, E Litchman. 2012
Science 338 (6110), 1085-1088