
Principal Investigators

Elena Litchman

MSU Foundation Professor, KBS and Integrative Biology, Michigan State University

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Christopher Klausmeier

MSU Foundation Professor, KBS and Plant Biology, Michigan State University

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Ashwini Ramesh 

Host-parasite stoichiometry


Jonas Wickman

Theoretical community ecology and evolution

Graduate Students

Nasser Mohammed

Theoretical community ecology

Carol Waldmann Rosenbaum

Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) in the Great Lakes

Esther Wong

Stoichiometry of food webs

Veronica Frans

visiting grad student

Human dimensions of  ecological niche, species distribution models (SDMs)

Domiziana Cristini

visiting grad student (from Uni Konstanz, Germany)

Phytoplankton community assembly

Sarah Levasseur

visiting grad student (from EAWAG and ETH Zurich, Switzerland)

Phytoplankton ecology, trait-based approaches

Undergraduate Students

Silas Hicks

Eco-evolutionary theory

Gabriel Curbelo Estrella

HAB ecology


Ally Hutchens

Phytoplankton ecology

Pam Woodruff

Plankton ecology

Past Lab Members

Jorge Arroyo-Esquivel 

Data-driven models of ecological community dynamics

Now research scientist at the California Department of Fish and Wildlife

Yi Chun (Liv) Yeh

Resilience in microbial networks

Now assistant professor at the National Taiwan University

Theoretical community ecology and evolution, evolution of microbial metabolisms

now assistant professor at the University of Lyon, France

Hilary Bayer


Microbial networks

Ibraheem Syeed


Regime shifts in aquatic ecosystems

Madison Colmanares


HAB ecology

John Guittar


Community ecology of host-associated microbiota

now computational scientist at Myriad Genetics

graduate student

Theoretical community ecology

now postdoc at the Institute for Functional Marine BIodiversity, University of Oldenburg, Germany

graduate student and postdoc

Theoretical community ecology and evolution, thermal biology

now assistant professor at University of Connecticut

Paul Wilburn

graduate student

Freshwater microbial ecology, Lake Baikal

now postdoc at NASA

Daniel O'Donnell

graduate student

Phytoplankton ecology and evolution, thermal biology

now postdoc at UC Davis

Elizabeth Miller

graduate student

Theoretical community ecology

now postdoc at University of Oregon

Jake Nalley

graduate student

Algal biofuel communities

now R&D officer at Qualitas Health  

graduate student

Phytoplankton ecology, thermal biology

now assistant professor at University of Geneva, Switzerland

Tatiana Severin


Phytoplankton ecology, thermal biology

now postdoc at STARESO, France


Phytoplankton ecology and evolution, thermal biology

now researcher at University of Vigo, Spain


Trait-based community ecology

now associate professor at Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden (XTBG), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)


Theoretical trait-based ecology

now postdoc at UC Berkeley


Theoretical community ecology, microbial evolution

now co-founder and CEO of Biomathematica startup, France

Simon Stump


Theoretical community ecology, models of microbial cross feeding


Phytoplankton ecology

now researcher at Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn, Italy

Şeyda Erdoğan

visiting grad student

Plankton ecology

now assistant professor, Yozgat Bozok University, Turkey

visiting grad student

Limnology of Lake Baikal, plankton ecology

now PhD student at University of Minnesota Duluth

Zepeng Sun


Theoretical community ecology, models of microbial cross feeding


Phytoplankton ecology, algal biofuel communities

now assistant professor at Ludwig Maximilian University, Germany


Theoretical ecology and evolution

now assistant professor at University of Toronto, Canada


Theoretical plankton ecology

now group leader at IGB, Germany


Trait-based community ecology, phytoplankton ecology

now associate professor at University of Hawai'i


Theoretical and experimental plankton ecology

now associate professor at University of Shiga Prefecture, Japan


Phytoplankton ecology

now research scientist at University of Buenos Aires, Argentina

Maayke Stomp


Phytoplankton ecology


Plankton ecology

now associate professor at Wayne State University

Anne Schwaderer


Phytoplankton ecology

graduate student

Phytoplankton ecology

now associate professor at the Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø, Norway